THe Roaming Dingo InterviewStarting at $1000
Everyone knows someone that is so interesting. Don't make them write a book. Interview them! We interview with a subject of your choosing with two cameras for one hour. We start with a preliminary phone call to better understand our subject. Then, we research and develop your custom interview questions. On the day of the shoot, we arrive and set up the gear within one hour. After that, we sit down for your interview. When we wrap up, we break down for no longer than one hour. In less than two weeks time, a long form interview will be delivered to you in a format of your choosing. Family member you want to get stories out of? We will interview them! We can be at their place by 9:00 and be out before noon! Promising young professional? Professional interview would get their point across! We can be at the office in the afternoon and wrap up before the end of day! |
The Roaming Dingo MicroRuntime: 3 to 5 minutes
Cost $3000 to $6000 You can get a very good story told in three minutes.
Let us make one for you! These projects tend to focus on an individual or an idea. We will do our initial research before coming in for our first interview. This interview would be like your standard interview from our interview package above. After that, we will also shoot additional footage around the subject. This is usually a sequence of the subject showing us their prized possessions or just being around them in their environment. Then we get a few stylized shots and cutaways followed by a second interview. This might be the main subject again, or maybe it is friends of the subject to tell us another perspective about the subject. A short story told in a tight package. Easy to share with others because it's not someone's life story. Its just a small but interesting part of it. |
The Roaming Dingo Short DocRuntime: 7 to 15 minutes
Cost: $8000 to $20,000 This includes all the pre-production research but then has between 6 and 9 shoots which includes several interviews, on location segments and stylized shots to tell a complete story.
This We made films like this included a horse dentist, a college sports pa announcer and a blue heeler. Many films this length can be good enough to be put into a shorts block at a film festival or can be broadcasted. They are also easy to share and get people to watch it. People will stay for the end of an engaging 12 minute story. We know how to hook em! |
The Roaming Dingo Long DocRuntime: 20 to 40 minutes
Cost: $25,000 to $50,000 A longer examination into a person, place or idea.
These films can take up to a year to make, but thats because are thorough and want to get it right. Which means our cost includes at least twelve shoot days but up to thirty if necessary. This package means that you get a real sense of the subject in great detail. This could be someone's life story. (Or a large portion of it) We've made films that include World War 2 Veterans, an Alzheimer's patient and two people dating again after sixty five years. |
The Roaming Dingo Feature DocRuntime: 45 to 90 minutes
Cost: $40,000 to $300,000 With all the stories to tell in this world, the best chance at getting a mass audience to see your story is to get it done in a feature documentary. Feature documentaries have the best chance at distribution on a large scale because of all the streaming platforms out there like Netflix, MAX, Amazon Prime, & Peacock.
These films take time. They take anywhere from 1 to 3 years, but we have seen documentaries last up to 7 years in production. Every story is different. Let us make yours a memorable one. |